Pain is the most common type of breast pain. Can be caused by the normal monthly changes in hormones. This pain usually occurs in both breasts. Feeling of heaviness or pain that extends into the armpit and arm. The pain is usually most severe before the menstrual period and disappear when the period ends. Cyclic breast pain is more common in younger women. Most cyclic pain disappear without treatment and usually disappears at menopause.
Noncyclic pain most often occurs in women 30-50 years old. only occurs in one breast. Feeling sharp, burning pain that occurs in one breast area. Occasionally, noncyclic pain may be caused by a fibroadenoma or cyst. If the cause of noncyclic pain can be identified, Treating the cause may relieve the pain.
Breast pain can become worse with the changes in your hormone levels or changes in medications you are taking. Stress can also affect breast pain. You are more likely to have breast pain before menopause than after menopause.
Does breast pain means breast cancer?
Pain in the breast pain is not a common symptom of breast cancer. However, sometimes painful lumps caused by breast cancer.
What should be done to eliminate breast pain.
By using nonprescription medicines such as:
* Acetaminophen, such as Tylenol or Panadol.
* Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), naproxen (Aleve or naprosyn), or aspirin (anacin, Bayer).
If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, ask your doctor's advice before using any medication. Do not take aspirin if you are younger than 20 because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.
Danazol, bromocriptine, and tamoxifen citrate is a drug used for treatment of severe cyclical breast pain. These drugs are rarely used because they have side effects.
* Using birth control pills, this may help reduce cyclic breast pain and breast swelling before periods. But breast pain is also known as side effects from birth control pills.
* Taking magnesium. Magnesium supplements taken in the second half cycle of menstruation, reduce cyclic breast pain and other premenstrual symptoms.
* Reduce dietary fat to 15% or less of your food intake is likely to reduce breast pain from time to time. A small study has shown that making this long-term buy diet changed significantly reduce pain.
How to prevent breast pain?
With sports bra will be very much help to you.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Overcoming Pain In Breast

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