Benign breast lumps are benign, benign breast lumps usually has a smooth edge and can move slightly when you push against them. And that can cause damage to malignant tissue, spreads to other parts of the body, even causing death. Therefore, if you find a lump in the breast, you should see her doctor to make sure that you suffered bumps, including benign tumors or malignant tumors. There are some common causes of benign breast lumps, including changes in normal breast tissue, breast infection or injury, and drugs that can cause pain or breast lump.
Knowing the type and condition of breasts?
Types of benign breast conditions include:
Fibrocystic changes. For some women, hormone fluctuations during the monthly menstrual cycle which can normally make changes in the breast called fibrocystic breast changes. Women with fibrocystic breasts usually have a lump in both breasts, which increases the size and tenderness just before menstruation. They sometimes have a nipple discharge.
Clumps are the milk ducts and surrounding tissue that has grown and enlarged to form a cyst. Cysts enlarge rapidly in response to hormones released by menstruation. Possible hard lump or rubber and can be perceived as a single, large or small lumps, and fibrocystic changes can also cause thickening of breast tissue.
This change is the most common cause of benign breast lumps in women aged 35-50. Postmenopausal women are less likely to have breast changes because of hormonal stimulation of breast tissue is no longer happening.
Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that usually occur in both breasts. can be single or multiple and can vary in size. Tenderness and lump size often change with the menstrual cycle of women.
Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor most often found in the woman's breasts. Solid shape, round, rubbery lumps that move freely in the breast when pushed on top and usually Painless. Fibroadenoma is the result of excess formation of lobules or milk-producing glands. Most often occurs between the ages of 20 and 30 and is more common in African-American women.
Intraductal papillomas. Small shapes, such as warts grow in the layer of Mammary ducts near the nipple. They usually affect women 45-50 years and can result in bleeding from the nipple.
Traumatic fat necrosis. This condition occurs when there is injury to the penis, causing the formation of clots in fat, which is usually round, firm, hard, single, and not sick.
Breast lumps in men
Breast enlargement can occur in her gentle, often a lump under the nipple. Sometimes this is in one breast, but it often occurs in both. including benign is called gynecomastia.
Sometimes breast infections was first seen as a painful lump, with or without redness. Mastitis is an infection that often occurs in women who are breastfeeding. Mastitis is an infection caused by bacteria that enter through the nipple Mammary channel. Localized pockets of infection will appear as a soft, warm lump in the breast.
Can benign breast TREATED
Your doctor will recommend treatment to help ease the monthly tenderness.
Cysts can be treated by fine needle aspiration, which often can be done during the evaluation. This is a form of nonsurgical breast biopsy in which a small needle is used to draw a sample of cells from breast lumps. If the lump is a cyst, fluid will cause the collapse Cysts.
Fibroadenoma and intraductal papillomas can be removed surgically.
Mastitis can be treated by compress with hot water or by taking a hot shower and letting warm water flow over the breast. Sometimes antibiotics are also given to drink.
Perform a screening mammography from the age of 40 years or 50 years.
Women in high-risk category should have a screening mammogram every year and usually starts at an early age. MRI or ultrasound can also be given in addition to mammograms. Discuss the best approach with your doctor.
Perform breast examination every three years starting at age 20 years.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Lump in the breast cancer, benign or malignant?

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