
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Breast Reconstruction

Plastic surgery is divided into two types, namely reconstruction and plastic surgery aesthetic plastic surgery., Reconstructive plastic surgery for breast cancer do to change the skin, breast and nipple tissue removed during mastectomy. The number of missing tissue varies with mastectomy respectively. The factors that contribute to the amount of tissue removed includes wide, size, and location of the original tumor and its proximity to the axilla, where the lymph nodes removed.

This is an option for women facing a mastectomy with reconstruction is to restore the symmetry between both breasts.
Breast Reconstruction chose to restore its original form through the breast reconstruction plastic surgery. ".

After a mastectomy, you may choose to wear external breast forms or pads or no attempt to change your appearance. Or you can choose breast reconstruction, using either breast implants or your own network.

By doing breast reconstruction is not only change your physical appearance, but also has a psychological advantage and it can help restore your confidence and your family.

Reconstructive surgery carried out in accordance with the patient's own wishes, medical condition, and treatment of cancer. When possible, plastic Surgeons encourage women to begin breast reconstruction at the same time they have their mastectomy. For many women, immediate reconstruction reduces the trauma of having her breasts removed a very large and cost.

In accordance with the development of knowledge is a variety of breast reconstruction techniques are available that offer a cosmetically attractive result. Several factors must be considered, such as destination for patients, medical condition, and previous surgery, are considered when choosing between reconstruction using tissue flaps or breast moved from other parts of the body.

One procedure to consider breast reconstruction after nipple reconstruction. Usually, the nipple and areola (the dark area around the nipple) will be removed during the mastectomy surgery for breast tissue and the risk for cancer recurrence.

Part of the nipple or areola reconstruction is usually done at a later date after completion of breast reconstruction. This allows the new breast tissue to heal and settle in a place so small in size and position adjustments can be made when the nipple and areola reconstructed.
and usually patients with Outpatient lived and performed under local anesthesia. Tissue of the nipple or areola is often taken from the newly built breast. To match the color of the other nipple and areola to create, medical tattooing can also be done for adjustment.

Or by using fake nipples are other options that could be temporary or permanent. The plastic surgeon makes a copy of your natural color of the nipple and areola. This can stick to using the fake breasts and stick adhesive back every week or more.

Preparation of breast reconstruction surgery
The anesthetic and any work done to treat breast cancer may take two hours. After the plastic surgery team took over, the Reconstructive part of this procedure is completed in one additional one to six hours. After surgery, patients must stay in the recovery room about two to three hours before and then transferred to a hospital room.

The first few days after the operation, you will experience some discomfort, but you will be given pain medication as needed. During your stay in hospital, your recovery will be Monitored.

After surgery you will be trained to move my arms, but not for any heavy activities such as pulling away, get out of bed, or lifting heavy objects. The nurse will help you in and out of bed. Usually the day after surgery, you will usually be sitting in a chair beside the bed. On the second day, most patients walk without help from others.

Infusion may be continued for one or two days, but you will Gradually progress to a normal diet. You may have a urinary catheter in overnight or until you can walk to the bathroom. You will also flow in the incision site. If you come home with drains in place, you will be given instructions on how to treat them.

The length of stay in hospital depends on the type of operation and the progress of your physical recovery. If you've got the implants, the average length of Hospitalization is one or two days. If the flap procedure requires only five to six days.

When you come home from the hospital, you can deal with some pain, such as swelling, and bruising for two to three weeks. You will be asked to apply the medicine to the area to replace sutures or bandages at home. Your plastic surgeon will tell you about how to bathe your wounds and treatment.

Return to normal activities and live it would normally take about six weeks after surgery. Can also occur within a few weeks you can not do heavy work.

Mastectomy and breast reconstruction will create Numbness in parts of the operation, you too will feel the pain in the tissue was taken, the patient may feel Numbness and stiffness. In time, some feeling may return in your breast. Then the scar will disappear.

After Undergoing breast reconstruction, you have to do is check your breasts regularly every month. please be aware of breast reconstruction does not affect the recurrence of cancer or oversight and generally does not interfere with chemotherapy or radiation. You also must continue to have regular screening exams, such as an annual mammogram.

Hopefully useful.

Birth control pills and breast cancer risk

Male than a female organ that is also a vital organ that plays an important role in human growth. So women all over the world to keep this one organ as possible to avoid all kinds of diseases. Especially from breast cancer attacks.

Oral contraceptives have become the most popular and one of the most effective form of birth control used in the United States, but increased risk of breast cancer has led to debate about the role that birth control pills may have side effects in developing breast cancer.

A recent study of breast cancer prevention comes from Australian researchers. They Assume that by consuming Pill or pill at a Relatively young age can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Eat regular Pill for 12 months, the risk of breast cancer attacks became less. Particularly for young women who have the BRCA1 gene as much as 10% -20%, as they report in The Sydney Morning Herald.

Scandinavian researchers have noted an increase in breast cancer, women's groups who are taking or have recently taken birth control pills. Again using the pills seem to increase the risk. Similar research found that 10 years or more after women stopped using birth control pills, the risk of their breast cancer return to the same extent as if they never use birth control pills.

However, the reputation of another study conducted by the Women's contraception and Reproductive Experiences (Women's CARE) conducted between 1994 and 1998 showed no increased risk of breast cancer in current or former pill users.

In general, most studies found no overall increased risk of breast cancer due to the use of oral contraceptives.

Has a History of Breast Cancer. Should I Take Birth Control Pills?

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women with a family history of breast cancer never have a chance up to 11 times higher risk of breast cancer, if they had ever used the pill. But experts warn that the study involved mainly women who take birth control pills before the year 1975, when it contains much higher levels of the hormones estrogen and progestin than today's low dose pills.

Those who have a family history of breast cancer associated with mutations in the BRCA genes should use caution before taking birth control pills. Families at increased risk of breast cancer in carriers of these genes further changes may increase the risk of breast cancer by taking birth control pills. Recent research showed the pill does not increase the risk in women carriers of the abnormal BRCA2 gene, but not to those who have the BRCA1 gene has been changed.

But the Pill is not likely to prevent breast cancer and cervical cancer for women with the BRCA1 genetic. This is very important for women in the country Kangaroo, because 1 of 500 Australian women have the gene, with the risk of breast cancer by 60%.

Keep health care with a more healthy life style, and do not miss to perform breast self-examination.

Inflammatory breast cancer (Mastitis)

Inflammation of the breast, or mastitis is an inflammation of the breast caused by infection in the breast tissue or due to blockages. Mastitis is divided into 3 namely periductal mastitis, pueperalis mastitis, and mastitis supurativa. The third type of mastitis is the result of different causes and conditions are also different.
Unlike breast cancer, this type of cancer may not cause a lump in the breast. Checking the breast with mammograms often fail to learn at an early stage breast cancer. Because growing so rapidly, usually has spread at the time of diagnosis.


Puerperalis mastitis caused by infection in the breast tissue. Mastitis occurs in women who are breastfeeding because of the transfer of Germs from your baby's mouth or the mouth of her husband. That's because low oral health such as the mouth of someone who likes to smoke. Germs that cause most puerperalis mastitis is Staphylococcus aureus. Germs can also enter the penis because of injecting silicone or collagen injections, causing inflammation.

Supurativa mastitis. This type of mastitis is the most common. Similar to the previous type, this type of mastitis caused by staphylococcus bacteria. Can also be caused by the fungus, the TB Germs, and even syphilis.

Periductal mastitis usually occurs in women of menopausal age (above 45 years), the main cause is not known Clearly. On the expected result of hormonal changes and nursing activities in the past. At the time of menopause estrogen hormone decrease occurs that causes the dead tissue. Piles of dead tissue and breast milk causes blockage in the channels in the breast. Blockage causes the closing of the channel and eventually widen the channel in the rear, which is usually located behind the nipple. The result is the inflammatory reaction called periductal mastitis.

Symptoms - Symptoms

Inflammatory breast cancer can cause one or more of these symptoms:

- A breast is swollen, red, and warm
- A tender or painful breast
- Itching in the breast
- Sometimes the nipple into the breast instead of pointing out. This is called a retracted nipple.
- Changes in the skin, especially areas that looked thick and pitted like orange peel. Sometimes there are mountains in the skin and small bumps that looked like a rash or itching.
- Breasts are visible bruises on certain parts.
- Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit
- There are one or more lumps in the breast.
- There Fever
Mastitis is caused by bacteria, which caused the abscess, or collection of pus in a cavity in the breast glandular tissue. Pus which spread to other parts of the body can cause high fever and chills, sweating a lot, the decline in immune system, even to the decrease in consciousness.

These tests include:

* Estrogen and progesterone receptor status. Hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate the growth of breast cells to normal, and some breast cancers. Hormone receptor status is an important piece of information that will help you and your doctor's treatment plan.
* HER-2 receptor status. HER-2/neu is a protein that regulates the growth of some breast cancer cells. Approximately 25% of women with breast cancer have too many, of these will promote the growth of proteins.

Treatment of inflammatory breast

Treatment of mastitis tailored to the cause, if the blockage is usually given analgesic (pain relief), if the bacteria cause infections should be given antibiotics, but if it happens then abscess drainage should be done (the distribution of the pus).

Drug treatment is usually followed by surgery to remove the breast and lymph nodes. After surgery, radiation therapy is used to try to kill remaining cancer cells.

Lifetime Risk of Breast Cancer

Although the exact causes of breast cancer is unknown, most experts agree that there are several factors that increase the risk of breast cancer.
On risk factors associated with breast cancer

In the age group, breast cancer was diagnosed:
- 4 of 1.000 women at the age of 30 years
-14 Out of 1.000 women at age 40 years
-26 O from 1000 women at age 50 years
-37 Of 1000 women at the age of 60 years.

Breast cancer risk:

History of breast cancer.
Women who have had breast cancer in one breast have increased opportunity to have another breast cancer or breast cancer could be the same again, in one breast, or in other areas of the body, such as lung, liver, brain, or bone.

Family history.
A woman with breast cancer risk increases if her mother, sister, daughter, or two or more other close relatives such as cousins, have a history of breast cancer, especially if they are diagnosed with breast cancer before age 50.

Women who inherit specific changes (genetic mutations) in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are much more likely to suffer breast cancer. They are also more likely to have colon or ovarian cancer. But most women who have a family history of breast cancer do not have changes in BRCA genes.

Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are more common in ethnic groups, such as the Ashkenazi Jews, a genetic test available to determine whether you have the genetic mutations long before the cancer appears. In families where many women have breast or ovarian cancer, genetic testing can show whether a woman has specific genetic changes known to increase risk of breast cancer.

If you change your breasts. Women who have atypical hyperplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) or those who have two or more breast biopsies other noncancerous conditions are more likely to develop breast cancer.

Other factors

- No birth children.
Women who had their first child after age 30 have a greater chance of developing breast cancer compared with women who had their children at a younger age. Women who never had children have an increased risk for developing breast cancer.

- No feeding.
Women who do not breastfeed have a higher risk of breast cancer than those who are breastfeeding. The longer you breastfeed, the lower the risk of breast cancer.

- Race.
In white women, breast cancer is more common than black, Hispanic, or Asian women. However, black women are more likely to get breast cancer at a younger age and are also more likely to die of breast cancer.6

- Radiation therapy.
Woman's breasts exposed a significant amount of radiation at a young age, especially those treated for Hodgkin's lymphoma, have an increased risk for developing breast cancer.

- Hormones.
Female hormones have an important role in some types of breast cancer.

Having extra body fat and drinking alcohol both lead to a higher level of estrogen in the body. Especially after menopause, when natural estrogen levels low, it increases your breast cancer risk.8

The use of estrogen-progestin hormone therapy after menopause for several years or more increases the risk of breast cancer. But within 5 years after you stop using combination therapy, your risk of returning to normal. Long-term use of estrogen alone can increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. 7

Starting menstruation before age 12 and beginning menopause later than age 55 years of women's increased risk of breast cancer. The years when you have your menstrual cycle of high-estrogen years. Experts think that the longer you have higher estrogen, the greater your risk for breast cancer.8

Hopefully useful.

Overcoming Pain In Breast

Pain is the most common type of breast pain. Can be caused by the normal monthly changes in hormones. This pain usually occurs in both breasts. Feeling of heaviness or pain that extends into the armpit and arm. The pain is usually most severe before the menstrual period and disappear when the period ends. Cyclic breast pain is more common in younger women. Most cyclic pain disappear without treatment and usually disappears at menopause.

Noncyclic pain most often occurs in women 30-50 years old. only occurs in one breast. Feeling sharp, burning pain that occurs in one breast area. Occasionally, noncyclic pain may be caused by a fibroadenoma or cyst. If the cause of noncyclic pain can be identified, Treating the cause may relieve the pain.

Breast pain can become worse with the changes in your hormone levels or changes in medications you are taking. Stress can also affect breast pain. You are more likely to have breast pain before menopause than after menopause.

Does breast pain means breast cancer?

Pain in the breast pain is not a common symptom of breast cancer. However, sometimes painful lumps caused by breast cancer.

What should be done to eliminate breast pain.

By using nonprescription medicines such as:
* Acetaminophen, such as Tylenol or Panadol.
* Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), naproxen (Aleve or naprosyn), or aspirin (anacin, Bayer).
If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, ask your doctor's advice before using any medication. Do not take aspirin if you are younger than 20 because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.

Danazol, bromocriptine, and tamoxifen citrate is a drug used for treatment of severe cyclical breast pain. These drugs are rarely used because they have side effects.

* Using birth control pills, this may help reduce cyclic breast pain and breast swelling before periods. But breast pain is also known as side effects from birth control pills.
* Taking magnesium. Magnesium supplements taken in the second half cycle of menstruation, reduce cyclic breast pain and other premenstrual symptoms.
* Reduce dietary fat to 15% or less of your food intake is likely to reduce breast pain from time to time. A small study has shown that making this long-term buy diet changed significantly reduce pain.

How to prevent breast pain?

With sports bra will be very much help to you.

Breast Cancer Prevention Tips.

Breast cancer is the most frightening disease for women. As a result of breast cancer may lead to amputation of penis, can even cause death to the sufferer. But now researchers have a lot to know how to prevent, or at least reduce the risk of breast cancer. Some attempts to minimize the risk of breast cancer can be done Medically or natural (alternative therapies).

Prevention of natural ways are:

1. Raga playing regularly.
Exercise will lower levels of estrogen produced by the body to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Regular aerobic exercise may offer some protection against the risk of women developing breast cancer. Research has found that women who performed with passion and often only half the possible non-Gym to get breast cancer, although perhaps other factors that play a role. Exercise also can help women with breast cancer better tolerate the side effects of radiation or chemotherapy and may help promote more rapid recovery after surgery.

2. Never Too Mature Meat Cooking.
Meats cooked / baked produce carcinogenic compounds (amino heterocyclic). The longer cooked, the more these compounds are formed.
Fat in the diet can increase the risk of developing breast cancer and breast cancer, and fruits, vegetables, and grains can help to reduce the risk. It is recommended that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables are eaten every day and that replaced saturated fat with monounsaturated fats, found in olive oil or canola oil. That's a good idea to make the whole-milk dairy products, meat, and fried foods at high temperatures only occasionally treat than staples. You can turn your menu to sample different kinds of fruits and vegetables fresh and new dishes based on grains and legumes. In this way, you'll get plenty of fiber, along with vitamins and minerals thought to protect against breast cancer, especially vitamins A, C, D, and E, and calcium, selenium, and iodine.

3. Diet With Fruits and Vegetables.
Foods from plants contain anti-oxidants are high, including vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that could be causing cancer.
Fat foods can increase the risk of developing breast cancer and breast cancer, and fruits, vegetables, and grains can help to reduce the risk. It is recommended that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables are eaten every day and that replaced saturated fat with monounsaturated fats, found in olive oil or canola oil. That's a good idea to make the whole-milk dairy products, meat, and fried foods at high temperatures only occasionally treat than staples. You can turn your menu to sample different kinds of fruits and vegetables fresh and new dishes based on grains and legumes. In this way, you'll get plenty of fiber, along with vitamins and minerals thought to protect against breast cancer, especially vitamins A, C, D, and E, and calcium, selenium, and iodine. Some doctors suggest that breast cancer patients take antioxidant supplements. In addition, alcoholic beverages should be avoided and weight should be avoided.
It is important to note that dietary measures are not sufficient to cope with risk factors for breast cancer other. Women who consume a healthy diet must obey remain to take preventive measures such as having regular mammograms.

4. Consumption of Anti-Oxidant Supplements.
Supplements can not replace fruits and vegetables, but an anti-oxidant formula could be a food additive that can prevent breast cancer.

5. Consumption of nuts.
In addition to soy, Fito-estrogen is also present in other species of nuts.

6. Avoid alcohol.
Many studies have shown that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of breast cancer increased because of alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.

7. Bask in the sun.
A little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because at the time the sun on the skin, the body make vitamin D. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium breast tissue, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer.

8. No Smoking.

9. Routine To Breastfeed Your Child.
For reasons still unclear, breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of breast cancer before menopause.

Perform tests on your breast to find early symptoms:

Do your breast exam at least once a month, done after three to five days after your menstrual period ends. Zen a family history of breast cancer.consultation with your doctor about when you should have your first mammogram.

Your use of contraceptives, ask your doctor about the pros and cons pills of birth control.

If you are close to menopause, ask your doctor if you should use hormone replacement therapy to treat menopausal symptoms. Research shows that hormone replacement, especially with combination therapy of estrogen and progestin or estrogen with prolonged use, can increase the risk of breast cancer. You and your doctor can make this decision based on the risk of breast cancer.

Tamoxifen and raloxifene, has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Risks and benefits of using drugs such as tamoxifen and raloxifene should be discussed with your doctor.


Herceptin is a monoclonal antibody of the world's first and only drug approved by the FDA for the indication of breast cancer with HER2 over-expression or HER2 positive status.

Is HER2?

* HER2 is a protein produced by a gene that potentially cause cancer. These proteins act as antennas that receive signals to cancer cells spread is quick and deadly.

* Approximately 20-30% of women with breast cancer are HER2.

* The presence of HER2 associated with the course of the disease that gets worse and the time of recurrence is much faster at all stages of breast cancer development, thus becomes an important thing for patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer to check their HER2 status .

Herceptin can be used by using several different ways:

* Part of the treatment regimen including doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and either paclitaxel or docetaxel
* With docetaxel and carboplatin
* As a single agent with multi-modality anthracycline-based therapy

Herceptin in combination with paclitaxel is approved for first-line treatment of HER2-overexpressing metastatic breast cancer. Herceptin as a single agent is approved for the treatment of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer in patients who have received one or more chemotherapy regimens for metastatic disease.

HER2 test - Newest Recommendations for Breast Cancer Therapy

New types of tests also include tests for tumor HER2 gene. HER2 positive patients say if the tumor is found in large amounts of HER2. Cancer with HER2-positive is known as an aggressive form of breast cancer and has an estimated course of the disease is worse than patients with HER2-negative. An estimated one in four to five patients with late stage breast cancer have HER2-positive.

Medical Therapy

* Trastuzumab is an antibody designed to target and inhibit the function of HER2, a protein found in large numbers on the surface of some breast cancer cells. Trastuzumab also stimulates the immune system to destroy cancer cells. This is the first antibody-based drugs used to treat breast cancer, a cancer most often diagnosed in women.

* Treatment with Trastuzumab has led to improved response, Life Expectancy is higher and the quality of life better among women with late stage breast cancer. Clinical studies have evaluated women who received Trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy and as a single drug to those who have been resistant to treatment.

* Trastuzumab provides lighter side effects than standard chemotherapy, where patients experienced mild to moderate symptoms such as chills and fever, especially happens with the first infusion. Trastuzumab is only interfere with the growth of breast cancer cells specifically, and does not interfere with healthy cells including blood cells and immune cells.

Herceptin treatment can lead to heart problems, including that no symptoms or a decline in cardiac function and people with symptoms of congestive heart failure. The risk of heart problems and all of this is highest in those who received Herceptin and certain types of chemotherapy such as anthracycline. Doctors can stop the use of Herceptin in the event of a significant decline in cardiac function.
Before the first dose should be given Herceptin Monitored decline in cardiac function, it is often done while receiving Herceptin and after your last dose received Herceptin. If you have permanently or temporarily stop Herceptin due to a heart problem, you should be Monitored more frequently. In a study with Herceptin and certain types of chemotherapy, an inadequate blood supply to the heart occurs.

In some patients have a serious infusion reactions and lung problems; fatal infusion reactions have been reported. In most cases, these reactions occurred during or within 24 hours after receiving Herceptin. You Herceptin infusion should be temporarily stopped if you have shortness of breath or very low blood pressure. Your doctor will monitor you until these symptoms go. If you have a severe allergic reaction, swollen Lungs, pneumonia, or severe shortness of breath, your doctor may have to actually stop the Herceptin treatment.

Low deterioration can occur in white blood cell counts associated with chemotherapy also occurs.

Herceptin can cause low amniotic fluid levels and harm the fetus when taken by a pregnant woman.

The most common side effects associated with Herceptin were fever, nausea, vomiting, infusion reactions, diarrhea, infections, increased cough, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, rashes, low white-cell and red blood cells, and muscle aches.

What is HER2? - HER2 + Breast Cancer

In HER2 positive breast cancer, increasing the amount of HER2 protein found on the surface of tumor cells. This is known as' HER2 Positivity. "High levels of HER2 found in malignant forms of this disease is much less respond to chemotherapy. Research shows that HER2 Positivity Affects approximately 20-30 percent of women with breast cancer.

HER2 positive breast cancer, which Affects approximately 20-30 percent of women with breast cancer, demands immediate attention because the tumor grew rapidly and likely to recur. These results provide the first evidence that adding a third in the first chemotherapy regimen most commonly used of Herceptin and taxane provide great additional benefits for patients with malignant forms of this disease. This drug combination was also generally well received. Approximately 25% of breast cancer patients who had HER2 + tumors. HER2 stands for human epidermal growth factor receptor. This is very important to know whether the cancer HER2 status. This is because the HER2 + tumors tend to grow and spread faster than tumors that are not HER2 +. In addition, treatment of HER2 + breast cancer is different from breast cancer treatment is not HER2

"Patients with HER2 positive breast cancer is usually advanced stage has a bad prognosis because their cancers are not always respond well to standard chemotherapy regiman," said Dr Andrew Wardley, principal investigator of the study and Consultant Medical Hospital oncologist from Christie Hospital in England. "We must continue to assess the potential benefits of treatment and combination therapy treatment to find a better option for patients. These results show some Encouraging signs that triple combination therapy, and follow-up beyond this study and other studies will help us continue to investigate its potential. "

The HER2 proteins, also called the HER2 receptor, found on the surface of some normal cells in the body. In normal cells, HER2 proteins help send growth signals from outside the cell into the cell. These signals tell the cell to grow and divide.

In HER2 + breast cancer, cancer cells have abnormally high number of HER2 genes per cell. When this happens, too much HER2 protein appears on the surface of cancer cells are. It's called too much HER2 protein. Too much HER2 protein is thought to cause the cancer cells grow and divide more quickly. This is why HER2 + breast cancer is considered aggressive.

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