Weight loss will come down drastically due to reasons that are unclear, loss of appetite, or fatigue is the first sign of cancer, especially cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus, or lungs.
- Fever or night sweats
- Change the skin:
certain cancers can produce visible skin signs such as hyperpigmentation, jaundice, erythema, itching, or excessive hair growth.
- The wound that never Healed in the mouth.
- It's hard to swallow.
constant pain in the mouth can become cancerous mouth and must be dealt with promptly, especially in patients who smoke, chew tobacco, or frequently drink alcohol.
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) may indicate cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or throat.
- Swelling, abnormal swelling in the neck, under arms, or in any part of the body.
- Swelling in the breast, an abnormal fluid coming out of the nipple, a lump in the breast or testes.
- Cough-cough long enough even with blood.
Hoarseness / cough: A persistent cough may be a sign of lung cancer. Husky may indicate cancer of the larynx.
- Abdominal bloating or bleeding in the anus.
- Excessive bleeding during menstruation was normal.
- Abnormal fluid out through the vagina or bleeding after having sex.
- Urine or stools with blood. (LUC):
Changes in bowel habits / bladder function: Chronic constipation or diarrhea may be a sign of colon cancer.
What causes breast cancer?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Weight Loss

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