There are several ways that can be preformed breast examination at home. Many doctors recommend that a woman's breasts in his own Periodic Review possibility of lumps or irregularities. This can easily be done in the bathroom. Is important that women take the time to take care of themselves. Cancer can be deadly if ignored. Considering that life is a chance to survive almost 100% If Knowing early cancer.
Causes of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a disease most common cancer and women are often attacked, even though this man has probably experienced this disease, with a ratio of between 1 in 1000.
- Age, disease increases breast cancer at young age and above.
- Genetic, There are 2 types of genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) that is possible as the risks. If the mother or female relatives of breast cancer, then you probably have an increased risk of breast cancer than 2 times the other women in the family had no single patient.
- The use of drugs, for example a woman who use hormone replacement therapy drugs (hormone replacement therapy (HRT)) as exogenous hormones may cause disease will increase the risk of getting breast cancer.
- Other factors suspected as the cause of breast cancer is; not married, married but no children, gave birth to their first child after age 35 years, never feed a child.
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer
The existence of a strange lump near the breast tissue or even one-breast look bigger, better consult a doctor quickly. These bumps are generally Painless, ranging from small to big size and then when palpated as attached to the skin. Several cases of breast skin changes around the lump or change in the nipple. When the lump started to grow, just be Causing pain when pressed. If you feel pain in the breast and put the milk that is not Abiding, better medical check-up immediately. The nipple into the contract, which was pink and finally become brown Event edema (swelling) around the place is one strong sign of breast cancer. Another thing is the frequent discharge of milk is no longer set when you breastfeed.
Breast cancer type
Through the examination of the Call to mammograms, so this type of breast cancer can be categorized in two parts, namely:
1. Non-invasive breast cancer,
cancer that occurs in the bag (tube) milk liaison between the alveoli (milk producing glands) and put the breast. In the language of medicine called 'ductal carcinoma in situ "(DCIS), in which the cancer has not spread to the outside of the network milk bag.
2. Invasive breast cancer,
cancer that has spread out the bag of milk and attack the surrounding tissue can lead to even distribution (metastase) gets another body such as lympa and other glands through the blood circulation.
Handling and Breast Cancer Medicine
Generally known someone new breast cancer after Stepped-up stage severe enough, this is due to a lack of knowledge or shame, so too late for medicine to pathology was Examined at hand.
Surgery, in the known breast cancer early is the appropriate action Surgery. Doctors will Lifting region and around the little bumps and then replace it with another muscle tissue (lumpectomy). Broadly speaking, there are 3 Actions surgery or surgery such as breast cancer;
1. Radical mastectomy,
The surgical removal of part of the breast (lumpectomy). This operation is always followed by the provision of radiotherapy. Lumpectomy usually recommended in patients with large tumors less than 2 cm and located on The Edge of the breast.
2. Total Mastectomy,
The surgical removal of the entire breast, but not the glands in the armpit.
3. Modified Radical Mastectomy,
The surgical removal of the entire breast, breast tissue in the sternum, collarbone and ribs, and lump around the armpit.
Radiotherapy (radiation / Radiation),
the process of radiation on cancer Affected areas USING X-rays and gamma rays are aimed at killing the cancer cells remaining in the breast after surgery. bad effects which caused him in such a weak body, decreased appetite, skin color around the black penis, as well as hemoglobin and leukocytes tend Downhill As a result of radiation.
Hormone therapy,
This is known as 'anti-estrogen Therapy' ability to work holding the estrogen hormone in triggering the development of breast cancer.
This is the process of providing medicine in the form of anti-cancer pills or capsules or liquid through the infusion aimed at killing cancer cells. This system is expected to achieve the target in the treatment of cancer that has spread possibility gets another body. The impact of kemoterapy a patient experiencing nausea and vomiting and hair loss due to the influence of drugs given during chemotherapy.
* Herceptin treatment,
* Biological therapy is known effective against HER2-positive women who have breast cancer stage II, III and IV
Breast cancer prevention
For those of you who Experiencing Some things are different in the breast, get it checked out to the doctor not to be late. For example the next enlargement, the surrounding breast lump, pain continually in place of milk and so forth as the information signs and symptoms of breast above.
Other actions you can do is to Avoid Obesity, Eat less fat, try a lot of Consuming foods containing vitamins A and C, do not eat too much of marinated and smoked, exercised regularly, and check-up breast since the age of 30 years on a regular basis.
Article Source: http://breast-cancersymptoms.com/